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Tuscany's coasts and islands by sailboat

destinazione toscana vacanze barche a vela
Aladar Sail

Green and blue: the colors of your sailing holiday in Tuscany

Who choose Tuscany as a destination for sailing holidays will be in front of a coastline and many green islands scattered in the blue. According to legend, the Goddess of beauty Venus dropped seven pearls from the necklace around her neck, which fell into the sea becoming the seven islands of the Tuscan Archipelago: Elba, Giglio, Capraia, Montecristo, Pianosa, Giannutri and Gorgona.

These are the ideal destinations for those who love to discover beaches and villages and want to alternate life on board time for hiking and diving.

The starting point for sailing holidays is Marina di Scarlino which is located in a strategic position 16 miles from the Island of Elba and a day of sailing from Corsica (60 miles).

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Aladar Sail

Itineraries in Tuscany

A natural paradise for your sailing holiday, browse our proposals of itineraries in Tuscany and choose your favorite!

All the itineraries
vacanza barca a vela isola elba scarlino 1 ita
7 Nights - Tuscany - 86 Miles

1 • Discovering Elba Island

viaggio barca vela isola elba e corsica scarlino 2 ita
7 Nights - Tuscany - 158 Miles

2 • Elba Island, Capraia and Corsica

vacanza barca vela elba e giglio scarlino 3 ita
7 Nights - Tuscany - 140 Miles

3 • Elba Island and Giglio Island

vacanze in barca a vela toscana scarlino 5 ita
14 Nights - Tuscany - 311 Miles

5 • Corsica, La Maddalena and Elba Island

viaggio barca a vela capraia corsica <br />
scarlino 6 ita
14 Nights - Tuscany - 391 Miles

6 • Capraia, Corsica and Elba Island

vacanza barca a vela toscana e corsica scarlino 8 ita
14 Nights - Tuscany - 397 Miles

8 • Elba Island, Capraia and Corsica tour

Aladar Sail

Fleet in Tuscany

Many and for all needs are the sailing boats Aladar Sail in Marina di Scarlino. Send us your preferences and we will help you choose the solution that best suits you.

Explore the fleet
barca a vela in toscana
5 Cabins - Marina di Scarlino - Grosseto, Tuscany - 51ft

Bavaria 50 - Aladar

afftto barca vela toscana
5+1 Cabins - Marina di Scarlino - Grosseto, Tuscany - 52ft

Oceanis 51.1 - Lara

afftto barche a vela toscana
5+1 Cabins - Marina di Scarlino - Grosseto, Tuscany - 49ft

Dufour 470 - Lucia

6+1 Cabins - Marina di Scarlino - Grosseto, Tuscany - 54ft

Dufour 530 - Medea

afftto barche vela toscana
5 Cabins - Marina di Scarlino - Grosseto, Tuscany - 48ft

Oceanis 46.1 - Luna

noleggio barche vela toscana
4 Cabins - Marina di Scarlino - Grosseto, Tuscany - 46ft

Hanse 458 - Bea

5 Cabins - Marina di Scarlino - Grosseto, Tuscany - 48ft

Oceanis 48 - Anthea

noleggiare barca a vela toscana
5 Cabins - Marina di Scarlino - Grosseto, Tuscany - 50ft

Sun Odyssey 519 - Bianca

barca a vela arcipelago toscano
6+1 Cabins - Marina di Scarlino - Grosseto, Tuscany - 54ft

Dufour 530 - Agnese

Aladar Sail

Tailor made experiences in Tuscany

Add to your sailing holiday special and authentic experiences to discover the territory along your sailing route. Browse our proposals and get in touch with us for a personalized offer.

All experiences' proposals

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